We are One Community

Let’s Come Together for Our Industry

We completely understand how hard it is to predict your herds two years in advance. We understand both sides of spectrum in this industry. We hear your needs and listen to your concerns. Believe us when we say, WE GET IT.
On the bright side, we have exciting new ideas we are working on to make Southpaw Packing Company, Inc. better and grow. We were recent recipients of the Tastemaker Award, which has launched our Design & Feasibility Study for a NEW FACILITY into high gear.

There are many new folks trying to raise their own livestock, leading to a huge lack of knowledge and understanding going on in the farming industry at this time. Mentoring and educating these novices is essential. We are collectively, and collaboratively, creating training programs to enhance knowledge and understanding of our industry, and we’re excited to be part of this positive step in the right direction.

We are, unfortunately, very saddened to the point of having to be clear that we WILL NOT tolerate verbal abuse or mistreatment of any sort. Capacity is capacity. We understand the frustration, and we know firsthand that there is greater need for our services than we can accommodate. We are working hard to devise creative solutions to try to close the gap and bottleneck in our industry. However, demanding a service we simply cannot provide, and overwhelming our email or answering machine repeatedly does not help the situation. We are doing our best to remain professional, and we ask the same of you.


I have some crazy endeavors happening behind the scenes that support the local food movement, as well. I have been developing innovative technology to enhance small processors and the food industry, creating training programs, and working hard to have a voice in Washington. I love the land, farmers and what we do. I am passionate about sustainability and ensuring generations to come have farms to nurture!
We have an amazingly talented team working extremely hard to serve you. We have wonderful people all over the country supporting our growth, and we are wholeheartedly committed to supporting our local producers. It is why we are so enthusiastic about what we do.
We want to thank the producers who have shown such great kindness, support and encouragement to our team and our business through this WILD Pandemic!  We cherish the relationships we have with you and the inspiration you give us.

If you have a question or want to know what is going on with us, please contact us directly, I believe we are best when working together cooperatively.
In closing, stay strong, stay safe, and let us show how remarkable New England producers can be.
Much Love and Light, Kindness and Peace- and for goodness sake remember to laugh!